Electricity Trading

Electra is specialized in purchase and sale of electricity, market intelligence, regulatory analysis, and risk management.
Midterm and long-term electricity contracts trading conventional and subsidized transactions.
Monthly adjustment of electricity surpluses and deficits to close the energy balance.
Negotiations of purchase and sale of electricity involving an exchange between sub-markets, sources, and supply periods to maximize the customer’s result.
A new and promising market with the objective of providing greater liquidity, security and efficiency in trading operations.

Energy Services

Electra performs all studies for its consumers and carries out the transition to the Free Contracting Environment. It also works on the start-up of generators and electricity sales and purchases management.
Economic analysis performed for the customer migration to the Free Contracting Environment.
Assistance in the processes of adhesion and energy modeling before the Electric Energy Trading Chamber (CCEE), by current negotiation rules and procedures.
Monthly management of short, medium, and long-term electricity purchase and sale agreements.
Electra acts as a representative of generation companies and free consumers before the CCEE. We follow the entire operation and accounting process at CCEE so that our customers are safe and calm.
We monitor the results achieved from the migration to the Free Contracting Market and provide a monthly assessment with a view to identifying opportunities to improve earnings.
Customized courses and training sessions with specialists from different areas, aiming at safety and guidelines for day-to-day operations in the free market with CCEE.
I-RECS for consumers, one of the sources of these certificates is the energy generated by the Small Hydroelectric Power Plant of Buriti, which is also part of the Electra Group.
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